Terms and Conditions and Logo Use”
- The National Federation of Fish Friers (NFFF) operates an accreditation scheme for the fish frying sector and issues certificates incorporating licenses to use the NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo to businesses which meet the required standards.
- Certificates and licences to use the NFFF certification / NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo are specific to the owner and address inspected, they are not transferable. Any change of address or ownership will nullify the accreditation. QA holders must inform the NFFF should any of these changes take place.
- The certificates and licences to use the NFFF certification /Quality Accreditation logo is valid for one year from grant and retention of the NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation is dependent upon standards being maintained, as validated by additional remote inspections by a quality inspector/assessor.
Obligations of the scheme operator (NFFF) and holders
- Having passed an initial remote inspection, the accreditation holder will receive from the NFFF a dated certificate and an NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo displaying a ‘valid to’ date. Re – inspection will need to take place prior to the next renewal date to allow continuity of the Quality Accreditation.
- The current certificate and corresponding rated NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo may only be displayed while the business remains accredited, as verified by inspection status and the payment of the annual subscription.
- Other materials that may include the NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo design will be available for businesses to promote themselves and the scheme in general. These materials may only be used while the business remains an accreditation holder. The NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo is the property of the NFFF, and permission to use must be obtained from and remain subject to monitoring by the NFFF.
- Businesses must immediately cease use of all materials, including certificates, bearing the NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo if they withdraw from the scheme or fail to meet the required standards.
- Businesses which withdraw from the scheme must immediately remove all materials, including certificates bearing the NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo. All Quality Accreditation material, including certificates bearing NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo remains the property of the NFFF.
- Any businesses which hold the Quality Accreditation and fail an assessment will have their NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation status removed immediately. Businesses wishing to remain members of the scheme must satisfy the requirements of a re-assessment by an assessor before any NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logos/certificates are re issued.
- Any business that is reassessed by their Local Authority and receives a Food Hygiene Rating score below the minimum qualifying threshold score of 3 (Pass in Scotland) for the NFFF Fish & Quality Accreditation scheme, must notify the NFFF immediately of the results.
Quality Accredited shops would be expected to hold a minimum of Level 2 food hygiene for staff and Level 3 food hygiene for owners, supervisors/managers etc which are renewed every 3 years as best practice to ensure any new legislation is included and part of continuous professional development.
- Accreditation holders must not use the NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo in a manner that is likely to bring the NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation into disrepute.
- Accreditation Holders should inform the NFFF if they are aware of any business using the NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo or promotional materials in a manner that is deemed to mislead the public.
10. Accreditation holders must not misuse the NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo and promotional materials in such a way that the public is misled. Businesses that no longer hold the Quality Accreditation are to ensure all Quality Accreditation Logos are removed from all advertising, including business websites, social media, and business uniforms. Failure to abide by this condition will trigger the logo misuse procedure. Failure to resolve the issue at this point will result in the matter being referred to the local Trading Standards Department, or the NFFF taking legal action through the civil courts.
- The NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation logo remains the property of the NFFF, which reserves the right to suspend or withdraw it if any accreditation holder is in breach of the terms of the NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation scheme.
- When completing the online application all questions must be answered in full and all supporting documentation, including photographic evidence and full payment must be submitted at the application process stage. Failure to complete the application fully will result in the application being cancelled and no refund will be made.
13. Full payment must be received upon application by the NFFF before any remote assessments are carried out. Once a payment has been received no refunds can be made.
14, Upon submission of a completed Quality Accreditation application form and payment an assessment must be booked and completed within one calendar month. Failure to do so will result in application cancellation and no refunds being made.
15. Much of the information that NFFF will disseminate will be in the form of down-loadable materials, so owners will need to have the equipment (such as computer and printer) to access this material. These materials must only be used in the premises for which the NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Accreditation has been granted.